Saturday, December 09, 2006

St Francis of Assisi -Skate Jam-Toy Drive

December 15 at San Jose State
Join us for a special event tat will have you skating till the wheels fall off.
Friday december 15th, e will be hosting Skate Jam ar SJS to help raise money and toys for the less fortunate this Christmas season. Please come out and support this event, have fun, and help the needy this holiday season.Proceeds will be going tot eh San Jose Family Shelter
$5 Admission with toy
$7 Admission without toy
Sponsored by the Jr High, High School and Young Adult Ministries at SFOA


Monday, December 04, 2006

Project Box

Project BOX

Project BOX Participants:

Project BOX will begin at 6:00pm Saturday, December 9th at St. Anthony (big church). We will spend the night outside and finish at the 11:45am mass on Sunday, December 10th. We will have a few boxes but bring your own boxes if you can.

You can only bring clothes that you wear and please do not wear too much. (NO SPARE CLOTHING) You may bring one sleeping bag or blanket. NO PILLOWS!

You are not allowed to bring any food. You can only eat if someone decides to give you something to eat. We need to be as realistic as possible.

We will have access to the bathrooms in the Church.


The San Jose Police Department has been notified and will be providing extra patrols on Saturday evening. There will also be several adults on the premises for the entire evening.

Please share this with your parents. I need to have the attached permission form signed and returned to me by Thursday, December 7th in order for you to participate. Families and parishioners are invited to participate as well.

If your parents have any questions, they may call me at 506-1983 or Joann Maier at 997-4808. I will also have my cell phone in case of an emergency, 506-1983.

If you make a commitment to this project, please follow through, so that we know how many people to expect.

Also, we will be collecting new or gently used cold weather clothing (hats, scarves, gloves, coats, and blankets). If you can, please spread the word to you friends, family, and neighbors. If you cannot participate in project box as a “homeless” person, please consider donating some warm clothing. Donations will be given to Emergency Housing Consortium.

Thanks for sharing this special event!

Migrant Posada December 16 at 6:30 pm

Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform, Diocese of San Jose, invites you to a Migrant Posada
A Journey of Hope
with Mary and Joseph
and our brothers and sisters in Santa Clara County.

Come to gather and celebrate our faith and cultural diversity!
In the Christmas Gospel, Mary and Joseph search for shelter when they arrive in Bethlehem. In the spirit of the Mexican tradition of this gospel reenactment, we walk with those who are seeking shelter, posada, today.
Come with your family and friends!!
Date: Saturday, December 16th, 6:30 pm
Address: Catholic Charities John XXIII Neighborhood Center
5th and San Fernando, San Jose
Free parking in the 4th Street Garage

Please bring your candle!

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Lily-Catholic Charities, or Daniela Santos, CCIR/PACT, 408-835-6708